Many of us at some point in life will experience several, consequential or almost random unwanted similar events.
Examples are : always developing relationships with uncompatible partners or meeting partners who are not available etc. All these are signs that clearly indicate there is a "pattern" working unbeknownst to you in the background of your energy field. Regardless what your current conscious may want, these patterns are powerful energetical synopsises playing in the background and like all energy within a certain vibrational level, they attract similar energy; thus create attraction for certain scenarios and people in your life. This might originate from past trauma in this life or energetical inheritance from your family line. The best way to explain it is to consider this: your energy field is an invisible envelope around you, that stores experiences, maps and patterns of this life experiences and even the past ones. When one pattern is very rooted and has active energetical circuits going, it will attract similar experiences with that polarity in your field and therefore in your life. This will attract and manifest powerful repetitions of that very similar experience. Many are troubled by the numerous wrong relationships they form, only to find out some day, it was their own field to trap those patterns and attract those situations. Healing these patterns means locating them, discerning where they originated and taking care of them. And from there, one can truly be in charge of their life. Healing and mending these issues are done on a psychological, soul, heart, mythic and energy field level by a Shamanic practitioner. Once the pattern or trauma is located, the Shamanic practitioner will know what is most appropriate to do, whether via a soul retrieval or an illumination or other healing modalities. We can then be in charge of what goes on in our world by working on updating our energy fields and making sure no counterproductive program is playing and creating unwanted scenarios in our lives.
Do you need a pregnancy nutritionist? In today’s day and age a woman is usually not guided in the most important moments of her life: her prenatal months. So nutritionist Mikayla Curti is here for you.
While you’re pregnant, your body has very unique nutritional needs. A pregnancy nutritionist can help you meet those needs. In my nutritionist practice, I work with many expecting mothers - it’s one of my specialties. Even if I won’t be able to predict whether the pregnancy will turn out successfully, with my expert guidance, you can be sure you will have all the tools necessary to have as nutritionally healthy 9 months as possible. You can set up a pregnancy nutritionist appointment at your convenience by contacting me at [email protected]. We can set up an in office appointment if you live close to my Jupiter/Palm Beach Gardens office or, if not, I’m happy to work with you via Skype. Prior to my setting up an individual pregnancy nutrition plan, I will require a comprehensive health check-up which may include: ● Medical and family case history, ● Anthropometrical measurements, If we need further testing, I will let you know. After I collect all the data from your testing and history, we will begin working on your actual pregnancy nutrition needs, your customized weight gain needs and your eating plan. As a pregnancy nutritionist, I take your unique individual condition under huge consideration and I can help you provide your growing baby with the optimal nutrition he or she needs. Good pregnancy nutrition and outcome is one of the best gifts you can give your baby. Have a specific pregnancy nutrition plan and knowing exactly how you need to proceed in the 9 months prior is vitally important to you and your baby. Protein is a major component of pregnancy nutrition. Most women need several ounces of protein daily for a healthy pregnancy. As a pregnancy nutritionist, I will help you decode what you need and to convert that into healthy, effective meal planning. Research has shown that eating adequate protein during pregnancy creates fewer complications such as preeclampsia. Some women report that during pregnancy they have reduced morning sickness symptoms when they consume proper amounts protein. Getting adequate fat is often the biggest hurdle for pregnancy nutrition. Consuming enough fats helps your baby’s organ and brain development. Women should focus on healthy sources of fat like meat, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, eggs, and nuts. Gaining the right amount of weight helps ensure that all is done to prevent prematurity, and my approach is anything but “one size fits all”. I take the time to individually study the correct amount of weight that each of my clients should gain and keep on during a pregnancy. I know many factors can cause complications during a pregnancy which are unrelated to pregnancy nutrition, however, preventing your body from the few causes of nutrition-related pregnancy problems is my goal. As your personal pregnancy nutritionist, I will recommend that you eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They have a variety of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber. These are all needed, especially during pregnancy. Eating a varied diet with lots of green, leafy vegetables helps the pool of Folic acid, which is so important for a healthy baby. Proper water intake is also an important component of the pregnancy diet. A woman’s body has to supply fluids to replenish the amniotic fluid the baby resides in. By drinking at least a gallon of water a day, you can nourish your organs and the baby and prevent constipation. With me as your pregnancy nutritionist, I will also ask you to stay away from caffeine in any form, soda, processed foods, processed vegetable oils, and unhealthy fats. We will make sure you consume adequate calories, but remember – you are not eating for two. I will also walk you through supplementation and tailor your pregnancy diet towards your personal needs. Contact me today to set up a consultation. I look forward to become your pregnancy nutritionist of choice. (put contact information here) Please Note: The information contained on this website should not be considered in any way to treat, or diagnose any medical condition. Before engaging in exercise or a new diet plan consult your doctor. It is almost impossible to have missed the Organic frenzy. Every store now has an Organic produce section in every country. I visit grocery stores just like I visit museums everywhere and I can attest that the Organic movement has arrived almost everywhere. When I am in the USA or in Canada or in Italy, I see the same interest from consumers into Organics. But many clients tell me their Doctor has told them that it is not worth buying them. Really? In my professional and scientific opinion, I do not concur. Numerous studies have shown how different and less dense is the chemical composition of produce when sprayed with pesticides, not to mention the undesired residues of the chemicals on the produce itself. Numerous studies have shown this, so many that it is a task to list them all. Many people counteract with the Organic movement stating that lots of produce companies now offer conventional produce right on the side of the organic field and with the rain, the soil with pesticides leak into the organic field and taints it. Of course this is not great and of course the pollution in the sky rains on the all organic field too. But if you analyze that piece of produce, you will see that it is far better than its neighbor in the conventional field. First of all the pesticide penetrates deeply in much of the produce and does not leave the produce, creating unwanted effects like hormonal disruption in our body. Secondly, it does not let the produce absorb as many nutrients from the soil as it should. Yes the leaked field will leach into the organic field but it still be better because it got diluted, dispersed while arriving to the plants. Make an experiment for yourself and buy two lettuce heads: one organic and one conventional. Leave both in the fridge for a few days and watch what happens and how the two wilt differently. The organic one wilts in a couple of days, while the conventional one is crispy and upright like a palm tree in your fridge for days on end! That seems beautiful but it is however scary and it should scare you. Organics are not often affordable but they are an economical form of cultivation for the longterm of the planet, because they do not pollute, besides being healthier for us. Organic produce do not feed the pockets of the dangerous food corporations that relentlessly poison our food supply and dis-harm the farmers of clean seeds.Their cost is due to the reduced capacity that a field will yield, since yes, we are not using pesticides and therefore produce less. But I would rather have an organic head of lettuce that wilts in a few days than a " pumped up" one that stays upright like a tree for much longer, because I fear what its components will do inside me. Not all produce absorbs the same amount of pesticides and not all therefore should be purchased organic. To really be savvy consumers,, a non-biased, impartial consumer advocacy website based in Oakland California, has put together a list of vegetables/fruit in order of how much they absorb pesticides. The first listed are the ones that absorb the most and as the numbers become greater and the list continues, pesticide absorption decreases in the produce depicted. In other words, the first few 12 are the ones that advisably should be purchased Organic and the others could be purchased conventional, in order of decreased pesticide absorption. But it is consumer discretion to choose how and what to purchase by seeing the data directly. Please note the small font comment at the bottom, detailing how summer squash, corn and papaya is often GMO ( Genetically modified) in the USA and it is therefore advisable to purchase it organic, even if by scientific standards shown in the list, it does not absorb much pesticide. In conclusion, I suggest we take a look at what we purchase and make certain discerning choices about Organics. They might be the Cartier items in the produce areas but some of them are pricey because of valid reasons. ![]()
Contrary to popular blogging habit, this post will not be about dieting after the holidays but about a much bigger issue, without which, there is no diet to begin with: Vitamin D. It is now January 2016. We are now saying goodbye to the crazy meals of the holidays and we are now facing the " aftermath" of it all. Some of you have already hit the gyms and maxed out your credit cards on diet supplements; stop right there. At what level is your Vitamin D? If it is low, I guarantee all those hours at the gym and all those weight loss supplements will not work. Vitamin D is in fact part of our metabolism corridor, along with the Thyroid and others and a lack of it will slow down your metabolism. A lack of vitamin D will manifest as following: * Feeling tired and sluggish * Feeling depressed * Not losing weight despite effort and proper diet *Lowered capacity of the boy to metabolize calcium which can lead to thin, brittle bones And more A lowered vitamin D level will impair your body capacity to lose weight because your metabolism is in "stall". Therefore this is the first action to care for, not the diet pills which will be ineffective in this scenario. Food Sources: vitamin D is contained in cod liver oil, salmon, dairy, tuna, eggs. If you are vegan or vegeterian, mushrooms (maitake and portabella) will become your friends along with Vitamin D-fortified foods such as almond milk,cereal and orange juice. The best source is however the sunlight. Various sources debate the amount of sun exposure needed for adequate vitamin D, from 15 minutes to an hour and many argue the effects of sun exposure and skin cancer, a whole other topic. Ideal levels of Vitamin D range from 32 to 40ng/ml and all arguments aside, a walk in the sun for 20 minutes has been considered ideal in many studies, For those who live in northern latitude, they need to supplement, in most of the cases. However even our folks all over the world are at risk,if they always stay indoors. I have seen 1 out of 3 clients in my office practice in Florida have low levels of Vitamin D. Yes, in Florida and the typical answer is " Oh it's always dark when I leave work". That is sufficient to deprive your body of this vitamin, just like with the Northern folks. The best way to act is to test your Vitamin D levels with your MD. Then supplement. No buying and taking supplements like it's gum! Many people skip testing and do themselves the diagnosis with purchase of common supplements, without knowing if they actually need them. There are toxicity effects to all of those products, natural or not. Furthermore, taking a supplement without knowing your Vitamin D blood levels, may or may not be hitting the target because you may or may not need it. If you have low vitamin D level, the standard supplementation you find out there is not sufficient, so it will be a waste of money. After testing, you may ask a MD or a Nutritionist to dose the right amount for you and that will be an efficient approach. If you already know your vitamin D levels are low, this is a link that provides a discounted virtual dispensary of wholesome supplements made without harmful ingredients, where you can purchase all you need at great prices. As an integrative registered dietitian Mikayla Curti uses numerous methods and approaches in creating comprehensive nutritional plans for her clients. With the goal of achieving optimal health in her clients, Mikayla focuses on eliminating the underlying causes of health and nutrition problems, focusing on long term health not merely symptom-fixing. Her multinational educational background includes a B.A. in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Padua, Italy (1994 -1998) and certifications from the University of California. In 2012, Mikayla became registered with the American Dietetic Association as an integrative registered dietitian, and received her state license in Florida the following year. Mikayla has extended her opportunities to help individuals with their personal health and nutrition, by launching Raisin Health International, an online nutrition service where Mikayla is able to reach a wide audience as a virtual integrative registered dietitian via Skype and other online communication tools. She offers new clients a free 30-minute strategy consultation either in person at her Jupiter, Florida office, or over the Internet. Before designing a nutritional plan each patient receives a comprehensive health check-up which may include:
Integrative Registered Dietitian Services Offered Include:
Nutrition Plans can easily be tailored for those living vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, as well as those in need of eating and nutritional behavior modification. Mikayla believes that the body’s energy field is a contributor to good health. As an integrative registered dietitian, Mikayla uses products and techniques to remove negative energy from the body and to increase positive energy flow through her energy medicine services. Energy medicine has been practiced by native cultures for thousands of years, focusing on a person’s energy field. Trained by the Four Winds Society, Mikayla treats people by dissipating unwanted and destructive behaviors, patterns, and habits that impact good health. Mikayla also assists in resolving psychosomatic issues and traumatic events which can contribute to mental and emotional imbalances. Other services offered by Mikayla include cooking classes, natural health products, a client newsletter, and an onsite Integrative Registered Dietitian Blog of health and nutrition tips. Mikayla may be reached through her website,, or on Facebook Contact Mikayla today to schedule your free 30-minute initial consultation. If I were to count how much ink and webspace has been used, written and actually wasted on trying to lose weight after the holidays, I would not have enough spaces for the zeros to type out.
So much has been written and tried and yet so many people flood the internet in January looking for the "miraculous way " to lose the holiday bulge in full. Well let me break it down to you: there is no such miraculous way. As far science is concerned, diet and exercise are still the main keys. The " I do it myself" way has produced more yo-yos effects than there are hot days in Florida, so we all might as well prepare to the fact that....good, lasting results require long, steady changes. Based on my experience with people, most people will eat like there is no tomorrow between now and the end of December, then come January first, they all want to start eating 1/5 of what they are used to and this is hardly ever lasting. That can definitely reduce all the excess for a while, but how long can it last? How long can people last eating less than a bird? Not very long. For many people the motivation lasts only until that great bowl of pasta marinara comes to the table... So how to overcome this? I found many people fall under a few categories of motivation types. With this differentiation, I have found that certain people get motivated by certain topics and not others and if they know themselves enough,they can master this and use their TRUE motivating factors to stick to a weight loss plan. Motivation factors in people 1) Fear-based " I will be ugly, I will be unhealthy, therefore I need to do something now'. This is not a " positive" way to have motivation, because many people in this category wait until they have multiple medical issues to really grasp they are in serious health risk 2)Ego-based " I must look good, I must look 20 years younger..." etc. This can also be a controversial motivation if the person is only motivated by external factors and not health factors. 3)Structure-based. There are people who literally need an bullet point about everything and if they do not have such a schematic process to follow, they will be simply overwhelmed and will not do anything or not enough. Which one are you? Do this easy test to find out A-When you see yourself in the mirror, you think: 1) Boy I look like I could lose weight but don't know where to begin 2)I want to be thinner because I must be hot 3)oh whatever, I am a few pounds over, I will diet but will not go crazy B-When you wish to start a project 1) You need an "A through Z" spreadsheet 2) you are confident and know where to start and go to 3)you do not even start, you are stressed thinking about it. Monday I will deal with this C-How you look at a very high Kcalorie plate of food 1) Somehow I will lose weight. I will read the internet and figure something out 2)My body is hotter than that 3)My cholesterol was borderline: I will worry when Its high. Now lets eat! D-How you perceive yourself 1)procrastinator 2) organized 3)eh, what the hell, I am fine E-How do you function at work 1) if I get an email from HR, its my sign I must speed my act with that project 2)I need to shine 3)oh I am ok until I am in trouble If you scored more 1 answers: You are motivated by structure' Mostly 2 answers, By Ego Mostly 3, by Fear Knowing yourself and what motivates you, will most likely guarantee success. Going with a health plan that is made for things that resonate with you, will have a much higher possibility to work. Once you know these vital facts about yourself, you can go about anything you want, no matter how hard they might be. I am always available via a free 30 minute consultation, to determine how I can best help you attain your very healthiest self. Email me at [email protected] In Health, Mikayla Curti RD, LD, CLEC, Energy Medicine Practitioner ![]() We have all heard that eating clean is important. Some of us even believe in eating mostly organic and many of us have strong beliefs in relation to GMOs. But what do we know of EMF? We are beginning to know more about it now. Some of you might say " how so"? Look at your desk and count the numerous pieces of Technology you have in front of you: cell phones, ipads,kindles,laptops, nooks,ipods,all the Wi-fi networks we have around etc etc. All of these count toward your daily EMF load. The peak of this is reached when you live in a building with thousands of people, who each have their own cell phones plus a laptop wifi ; looking at your wifi networks, you realize there is a WI-FI jungle there. The effects of EMF and cell phone waves, has been shown , to not be favorable to your health. EMF stands for " Electromagnetic field " and it has actually been everywhere around us, even before the era of smartphones, in appliances and all electronics. Too much of it, has been shown to cause symptoms in some individuals, like brain, speech and thought disturbances, difficulty sleeping at night. Despite a still very limited amount of studies available about the effects of cell phones, wi-fi and all these energies combined exist, the effects are truly felt by several people . This group of the population, who identify themselves as " those who perform poorly under EMF load" , have had these symptoms become severe enough to actually form a movement against WI-Fi and move to a town in West Virginia, called Green Bank. In Green Bank WV, WIFI signals are actually illegal so one can't make a call or a text on their cell phone, giving peace to those who have so many symptoms with EMF but making it a total teenager nightmare. But clearly not only teenagers. Luckily we do not all have such severe symptoms to have to move to Green Bank WV, however we might show lighter versions of these symptoms. Some of these are: lightheadedness, feeling tired, sluggish and difficulty sleeping at night. There is now more than one solution to resolve this energetic issue without moving to the yard and start cooking on the fire or worse, moving to green Bank WV: applying EMF shields to the main offenders (cellphones, ipads, laptops) the EMF load. How EMF shields work: they come between your body and the cell phone by sustaining and rearranging the EMF coming from the cellphones itself, in a way that is not as intense and toxic. People who have used these, have reported better sleep conditions, feeling their ears are not hot and achy and a few more other symptoms. This is where, as a Dietitian, I see a massive importance in their use, since sleep can reportedly affect metabolism and therefore being a paramount portion of the pie ( no pun intended) in losing weight. One small step we can all do starting today, is to monitor the length and the amount of exposure we get from technology. More information about these shields will come in the next blog. ![]()
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